I'm curious if anyones financial situation has drastically changed since last year? Seems like a lot of you are talking about riding less because of the "economy", but I haven't heard anyone say they have lost their job so they cant ride.
Here's how I look at it. Its 400 miles to Revy from my house. 800 round trip. Add a couple hundred for getting to the hill and back for a 3-4 day trip, and call it an even 1000 miles.
So, last year at the beginning of the season diesel was about $3/gal. Now it is $4/gal. Just for easy math, lets say I get 10 mpg towing the enclosed. That means I will use 100 gallons for this trip. So the extra fuel cost for this entire trip is only $100. If the sled fuel is approx $1/gal more, then add another $30 extra for sled fuel.
I guess my point is that its not like costs have double since last year...yes, costs are a little more, but not prohibitive.
I plan to ride just as much as last year (or as much as the snow will allow).