On my 02 800 the mag side bearings showed no evidence of isoflex, and was covered in injector oil. The pto bearings had some grease left on them. So thats how I reasembled the engine...I would think that if the mag side bearings needed grease that by now they would be toast????Hope this helps Dino
Buy a lottery ticket! (soon)
Mine is an '02
There is s'posed to be grease on the mags too. The reason they look dry - is b/c they are! There is little to no room to puddle grease on the mag side - ike there is on the PTO side.
My mags went out a few yrs ago. I could hear what sounded like a bearing going out of something - and it seemed motor related. (rpm) I just couldn't finger out what it was? It sounded WAY too open to have been down inside the motor. The previous day or two I fouled (for lack of better term) the plug on the mag cyl too. But they never were black. ??? I was on a long weekend trip a day or two away from the truck when it tied up.
New bearings on that side and repack of the others and I was back on the snow. (the next season) Last march I could hear that same bearing sound. No time to werk on it. Either ride it or stay home. So I rode it. I was fingering on replacing the crank assy this yr anyhow...
But the joke was on me and I sucked a piston skirt on the mag side before the bearing let loose. Could it have been related? I don't see any evidence, but I wouldn't completely rule it out either. However the bearing was no "catchy" - at least at 200 rpm as I spun it with my hands. The air hose may have told another story as I am sure that was the exact same sound as a few yrs earlier. I think left go a little longer it would'a tied up aggin.
New crank assy and I opted to drill my case this time and yank the crank seal on the PTO side. I have only rode it one weekend, but all is well so far... but of course there is still grease in the bearings. The catch is that I have another '02 torn down rat now awaiting some pistons.
One fella told me that I am nuts for drilling the case. That they don't lube the outside bearings as per his old 2000 700. But the 02 800 case DOES already have all the case castings in place - all but the holes drilled. AND the passageways DOO go clear to the outside between the seal and the outter bearings. He said that the 2000 700's had the lube hole drop in inbetween the outter and inner PTO bearings - which I HAVE seen someone else drill their case there too. (with supposed good luck) I drilled mine to go all the way to the outter seal - which SHOULD lube the outter bearing as the motor sucks the mixture into the cyl area of the motor. ???
So I don't know whether I should drill out this other case - or grease it and see in the long run who wins? (This one won't have a new crank - so it's not a fair comparison anyway....) So I am at a crossroads here as I wait for parts - trying to decide what to doo....
But no-matter what - the mag bearings ARE s'posed to have grease, and I have had them go out! The PTO's are what I always hear aboot - but I have never lost one of them yet. I always seem to have the opposite problems that I hear aboot.