gotta disagree with you reed lovers. stewart bascically gave reed 2-3 chances to flat out pass him, and reed wouldnt' do it. he wanted to have a chance to pull his classless act and take stewart out. chad is the biggest crybaby out there. larry brooks hit the nail on the head, he can't keep up, so he has to cry and whine. at least stewart will have some competition with R.V. next year.
and yes, reeds wife is hot. the money reed pulls in must help her look past his crying and whining and stick around.lmao
I have to agree with you. I was starting to like reed... It seemed as if he was done crying and making excuses... I guess I was wrong.
I lost a lot of respect for Larry Brooks... To me that was the most unprofeshional interview I have heard in a long time.
He could have put it much differently and still got his point across.