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corona virus

If you mean organic, again.
You’ve been duped even worse.
Organic plants are stressed to control weeds. Thus they root deeper.
Guess what’s deeper?
Chemicals from long ago with high residuals vs todays low to non existent residuals.

Yes, that means toxicity tests are HIGHER in organics.

I learned this through petiole tests.
Thank you IDspud, I don't think I've been duped.

It's my choice and I'm sharing, my degree and up bring was in turf management. I worked in the public eye so my field was constantly scrutinized.

Myself and two other friends had a life lesson that no one will touch with a ten foot pole.

One lost thier child at about ten months, the other one passed at around two and the third is an adult know but can not get a drivers license account of the seizures that are held at bay with a life time of drugs.

To me that gives me the right to express better health, that's all I'm doing expressing a healthier life.

We think we know what it was but that was properly disposed of and we'll never know.

Just using this as an example.

Need to start somewhere to create a healthier living.

It's no longer a little won't hurt you but a lot will.

Go to the list of just foods below, there's no way of cutting the list out of the diet. You'd starve but there are options out there of the same kind of food just not the same ingredients.

Then go to the personal care same thing, no wonder why women are having so many medical problems.

Lets not forget medicine, who the hell takes it because it looks good?

Don't let the kids eat the crayons :)

There's no way of avoiding something as simple as yellow 5 food die and the list of many other things illegal in other countries. The population of this country life expectancy has been a steady down fall for the last 70 years.

All we can do is try to figure out how to live a healthier life.
Very true but it's not like the FDA is actually looking out for the people, if they did they'd loose thier funding.

Take pickles for an example, which ones are better for you?

The ones on the shelf or the ones in the cooler?

Believe it or not one actually has more health benefits because of the way it was packaged.
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You don’t kill your customers.
It’s bad business.
I've got one for you IDspud, if you have multiple stores that carry the same name in town but are in different areas of town in one that's a lower income area and one that's in a higher income area.

Just stroll in when you hauling a load :)

Compare the brands in the dairy products like creamer, cheese, bread and pay attention to the labels.

There's a difference, digital age, they carry what people are more prone to buy and I'm not talking culture difference.

Same creamer brand but which one is more likely to carry the oreo cookie one and the low fat, same brand?

It's so obvious when you start seeing it, but it is your choice, it's not like they can make money off of healthy people.

I take that back , they charge more for healthy, so backwards because it's less contaminated.
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Yep, you want to eat junk or healthy it's your choice.

Some people I doubt know they have options from one store to another.

Eating healthy isn't as easy on a budget from paycheck to paycheck.
If it’s personal choice, then why do you blame the FDA for force feeding people death?

And to be clear, I’ve never defended the FDA, was only pointing out that your use of GMO’s indicated a significant misunderstanding of what they are.
Agreed that it is a personal choice, as it should be.

Hawkster pointing out stuff that in his research/experience is a positive, just as IDspud's info and taking the time is a positive too. It is all just info to be considered.

I've always tried to be open minded to all info, but my trust in any govt agency has been greatly diminished lately for some reason.
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