OK, all of you were RIGHT!
Rode @ Jones today. Dug a bunch, too.
Met up with Backcountryislife & wife & friend, followed them around.
I'm exhausted. I'll post a trip report tomorrow. "Rode" 13 miles. Got stuck twice. Learned a LOT. I get it now - this is SOOOO much different than I'd thought.
Watching talented riders was _enormously_ helpful. Getting one to show me how to unstick a sled was also very, very helpful.
I knew I'd feel awkward and rather tool-ish on the sled first time out, but wow, what a rude awakening. I knew there was more to it than "sit and steer," but, ummmm, yeah. BCIL showed me the most illuminating thing today, and I don't think he meant to - I was goofing around with "sidehilling," trying to get the track roughly horizontal on wind-filled jeep roads, mentioned to him that I was having trouble getting it up (shutup, y'all) onto one ski. He jumped on, leaned, torqued it over, "that's about right."
OH. Like THAT?!?! OK.....goofing around on a side"hill," I tried it - gave it a good tug, added some throttle, the track spun and broke through the crust, sled settled into the hill....ahhh, I get it.
Even if only for ~3 seconds, I felt it. Made sense.
BCIL&company - thank you VERY much. I'm not sure you realize how helpful it was; yeah, my questions seem inane (and there's a lot of them), but it was pretty awesome to luck out & tag along with you three - lots to be learned, just watching.
Greatly appreciated. Still not sure I like it better than skiing, but wow, it was fun.
C'ept that time where I decided to go up over there, but did not really GET there, ummm, oops. I now know what "trenching" is. Doh.