First clean your clutches and make sure your rollers are good. Get a primary spring in the 200/350 or 185/410 range. In the secondary go with the stiffest spring doo sells, I can't remember the colors but it is in the shop manual. Go ahead and get the floating secondary kit, it doesn't cost much but it helps. Make sure everything is clean and working right, reassemble the whole deal and ride it like you stole it.
Pin weight to run in clicker 3 or 4 if your moter will pull it.
Make sure all updates are done, your shop should be able to do all of this if you can't.
I am running a 44/40 helix but this should work with a straight 44.
I am also running a 20t top gear but try it with the 21.
This setup has been working for me up to 10K.