I'm a little hesitant to post this but there seems to be a good amount of traffic as of late concerning mounts and crossmembers. The thing is, at least concerning alignment, you have to know exactly what measurements need to be addressed in order to fix it, sounds self explanatory but when it comes down to changing things by just a few hundredths of an inch, it really does make a difference. So if you've went through all the blah-blah-blah above, & you know for a fact your alignment is...what it is, but you want it better? Well then it's time for math and access to a vertical mill or something of it's modern counterpart, and a 'blank' crossmember piece. Something identical to the original, minus the actual holes for the front motor mounts, but the side plate mounting holes remain identical to original, so save it for reference dimensions! This will get thick in a hurry so, I'll try to condense it to keep it readable. Start the whole whiz-bang by indicating original crossmember on the mill, pick a corner to zero out on, and get the center to center dimensions of holes, write em down. Remove it and clamp new crossmember in the same fashion. Then if you know (for example) your kickout is .100, motor twisted clockwise, you want to do the trig, based off the centerline dim. of original, and make a 'skewed line' ccw to compensate for that, keep in mind you'll also have to move the skew line forward a bit (as your looking from the front of engine bay) to maintain the 11.5" center to center distance of clutches. Remember pencil and paper are your friend, make many notes and drawings as you work through it, don't rush it. Just spot drill all your measurements and take a break to look it over/think it through. Then you can start making chips! You'll end up with a crossmember that would make NASA proud, but your friends will think your insane! It's alot of work/time so this can be done only if you know for a fact that there are no other 'gremlins' contributing to the mis-alignment problem, the changes will be small but the effect will be great by the time the belt meets the clutches!