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checking in..

we should get the ones that map other riders carrying their GPS

like buddy spots on all activated units...
I actually have a etrex garmin I just never use it...never even turned it on?
Of those two, the Rino 530 HCX. That's what I carry now and use for work. It has a built in radio, the other does not. The radio allows you to talk to your buddies but also sends your position to other Rino users. Comes in handy if your stuck in the boonies and nobody knows where you went. You can send your location and your buddy can use his rino to navigate to you. The radio will reach out pretty good to if you use the GMRS channels. They even have the capcity to use repeater towers, but you have to set that up and get a subscription from the tower operator. Also has a real compass and altimeter. Most GPS use an electronic compass that gets it's fix from the satellites. This requires that you be moving for the compass to work, which can be a PITA. Not that big a deal, but if you want the best, the 530 is pretty sweet. Has rechargeble lithium bat, great color screen, easy to use. You probably want to get the 1:24000 topo though to really get the most out of the 530. On the other hand, the 530 HCx is for the gps geek. Any of the other rino's are good, have a radio, and the send your location feature, and cost a lot less. I have a bunch of cheap rino 120's I give to field crew to use and they work fine.
What ya wanna do is turn on your GPS when you leave the lot. It will collect a "track" of where you've been all day. When the big blizzard hits and your miles from the trail, you can use the track the GPS has been collecting to to backtrack home. If the blizzard doesn't hit you can still save that track for future reference. I run my GPS enough to fill it up with the routes I usually take. After you have all your routes in it you don't need to run around with it on all day, but if you get yourself turned around or the weather goes whiteout, you can turn it on and find your closest saved track and head to it. Still haven't needed to use it for that, but it's good to be prepared for the worst.
So, these Garmin 530 HCX are easy to use? I had a customer who stayed with us last winter and came back for the whole month of Sept. and they just sent me one of those as a thank you for the service. Didn't even get them an elk! That was very cool but I haven't got a chance to even hardly look at it. Sounds like the one to have just not into learning all the little secrets to it. To many electronics to try and remember how they all work. I have the little etrex now that is simple but rarely use it anymore usnless in an area I have never been before. I may try and get a look at this new toy this weekend. May rely on you Bushy for some tips.
Im buying a 530hcx as well. Thats the one I had last year until i left my BP open and it fell out.Walmart has them for 400 and most places in town will match them.
Ike called me last night and I alked to him for about 30 minutes. He is working in Kansas now. He lost his invite to the SOCO section when Dizz took it down....Can you add him back?
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500cid invited along time ago...but no repsonse

cant remember how to spell Ikes user name...get it and i will reinvite
got this huge sheet of bubble wrap with giant eaisly loud poppable bubbles.

I got this old guy(62) painting at my house right now. I told him to just come in if the doors unlocked in the mornings. I laid the bubble wrap all over the floor inside the front door. When he came in this am he stepped then restepped...popping more bubbles with each step.

I was standing there going...come on Rick...keep it down...what are you doing..

He's all...sorry...oohh...sorry...oops.

Damn Diz! You'll give an old man a heart attack. Priceless!

I had a Garmin explorist, didn't really get the hang of it and never used it, but then again I was always riding at Cottonwood.
So, these Garmin 530 HCX are easy to use? I had a customer who stayed with us last winter and came back for the whole month of Sept. and they just sent me one of those as a thank you for the service. Didn't even get them an elk! That was very cool but I haven't got a chance to even hardly look at it. Sounds like the one to have just not into learning all the little secrets to it. To many electronics to try and remember how they all work. I have the little etrex now that is simple but rarely use it anymore usnless in an area I have never been before. I may try and get a look at this new toy this weekend. May rely on you Bushy for some tips.

I wouldn't say it's easy, has more options that the other Garmins, but the basics are the same. If you have run a Garmin before it will be familiar. First set your time zone, go to Menu, Setup, Time. Next setup the tracking feature. Find "Track" then turn it on. At the end of the day go back to Track and save your track, then clear the track log and you'll be ready for the next track. You can download the tracks to your computer and fart around with them in the Garmin software. Lesson for the day!
its easier than configuring a webcam....:pokeatYOU:

how's that going, i pm'd ya 2 options and never heard back........

bohica and i both carry 530's and use frs channel 3-0, if your on it...you'll get our location updates
bdubs been texting me about riding. Wind is crazy here, but warm. Afraid to load the camper in this wind.
I've configured a web cam, not that tough. Why not GMRS? Better range...
Sorry about delay Ray. Been very busy getting ready for Xmas crowd. If you are off till '11 how about getting me 2 of the shall we say "value for dollar" ones to try, installed this week.

its easier than configuring a webcam....:pokeatYOU:

how's that going, i pm'd ya 2 options and never heard back........

bohica and i both carry 530's and use frs channel 3-0, if your on it...you'll get our location updates
Diz, Dropped off your new ride at Denver Auto Brokers yesterday. They even put it inside as they said it was to ugly to leave out in the lot! Well it is a Poo I guess.
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