swain tech
You are the first person i've seen talk about swain tech, I have a few question. I've studied there web site and there are some interesting claims.
You did your pistons. Is lean as much of a problem being that the combustion temps should possibly rise and also slow the heat soke of the piston. Also did it help with engine temp at all.
What benies do you get from swain teching the silencer also?
I've consider doing the pistons, head and entire exhaust system.
Well, Ive done alot of research and have used Real coatings such as swain tech. I have had pipes custom made for a few sleds.
Its funny the pipe manufactures reccomended not to coat at all.
Theres a big difference in a 12 second dyno run with a real coating and a long pull on a lake.
I'll never coat a pipe again in my life, silencer yes, pipe and y, no.
I actually proved that swain coating a pipe on a long run make the sled harder to tune, and slower on top end.
I can't remember for sure if its jet hot. Some coating company showed a decrese in temp after coating the turbo, problem is they even showed the infered, laser temp gun pointing on a cooler part of the housing in the first place.
I've had Swain coat pistons and still have my silencers done. Its not shiney, its about .020 thick, and actually works.
I have used it on car headers also. Swain does some great work!!!!!!!!
The shiney .001 crap does nothing.
You are the first person i've seen talk about swain tech, I have a few question. I've studied there web site and there are some interesting claims.
You did your pistons. Is lean as much of a problem being that the combustion temps should possibly rise and also slow the heat soke of the piston. Also did it help with engine temp at all.
What benies do you get from swain teching the silencer also?
I've consider doing the pistons, head and entire exhaust system.