First things first... The only insult thrown was in your first post; calling folks who carry "insecure". And you're right, it is a 4m and you're entitled to your opinion. Best part is, so am I.
I think it's great that you can leave your door open, that all 'ur buddies watch out for each other. As you said "Thank god I don't live in the city". Well, got news for you. Many do, and, evil knows how to drive too. So you don't have to "live around that crap" to experience it. Hey, just ask W8TN4U...he don't live in no city either. Perhaps it's not a perfect little ranch area with all the fine folks that you mention, but trouble came looking for him now, didn't it?
And to clarify, I'm no expert on Colorado. Never claimed to be. But you're fine ranchers and sportsman have been voting in liberals and their agenda for quite awhile now. My reference to the fine State of California, in comparison, is about that. BTW, I'm pretty sure most would agree California is pretty much a puzzy state and there really aren't many gun rights left there.
And of course you're right: Washington SUCKS politically. But, most of us are quite aware of it. Sooooo, I stand by my comment: berating others for standing up and exercising their rights is just not going to go over well. No problem with saying "I don't" or "I don't understand why one would do that" or whatever...but calling names is what you did. And since this is a 4m, and my opinion was different from yours, you were entitled to it....

I just had to overcome my insecurities before posting...:p