LMAO!!! A few strikes against them...
"No stacks in the intercooler" That intercooler is good to 20 psi and gets a cool charge , ya your right not efficient over that, but failed to mention that eh bud,But whats your kit mapped for any way nd how much boost you run with your kit?The header is pretty dam bullet proof and never really hear of them failing,sounds good to me. The fuel controller is about the only thing i will agree with ya on but there is a new box thats out and i have never tried so i dont have first hand info for ya there,so ill leave that one alone until i do.But a Pl box is a good price and tune easy on the hill, No lap top or waiting for a map that may not work and also thats what Alpine and Impulse use on there sleds and we all know how they run.But still junk eh.. Reverse i had last time i checked but if you say no reverse i guess i dont have reverse.lol

Double down pipe im missing, and there might be some gain but really how much.Hell maybe ill have one built with the money saved from buying this kit just to find out. lol Oh... Dave you forgot about the ported waste gate that i dont have but you offer,that does absolutely nothing. LMAO As far as lacking in power and lag ill disagree with ya ,power is strong and lag is equal with the front mounts from what ive seen.Your claim to fame the RB3.That unit can be put on with any kit and sport bike that any one wants for what? $400 US but often wonder why Impulse did not like it and Out law also was not happy with using it. Dave rather than come on here and bash other kits on the forum or over the phone, help the boys that spent hard earned money on your kit that are not working because it sounds like theres a few of them out there that are working like crap or still trying to get there kits together from lack of instruction and kit not fitting!The way your putting down other kits your kit should smoke what i got? lets line up.