OK, I pulled the inserts so the pin weight is now 13.8 grams (down from 15.4) SAME FRIGGEN THING?? Wah Wahs with max rpm's hitting 7700-7800 under FULL THROTTLE..... on the TRAIL and OFF TRAIL UNDER LOAD?
Seems to pull closer to 8000 rpm WITHOUT the Wah Wahs when throttle is open less than full. Once throttle is WO ... back to the Wah Wahs / 7700-7800 rpm. Clicking from position 3 to position 4 and no change...?
OK..wah wahs are either cold pipe or rich jets...for you...closing throttle leans motor = more RPM and no wah wahs...you have a carburation/DPM issue...the clutching isnt it..BJ
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