So...No Native Americans killed during the settlement of this continent? Does it really matter if it is primary objective or not if it happens?
Snowmanx you would certainly make a better arguement if you information wasn't obtained from some email forward. Do you believe the ones that say if you don't forward it to at least ten people you will die tomorrow also?
I'm not claiming to know everything about this topic...hell, I know very little, that's why I think open conversations like this are good, it gives me the opportunity to hear other opinions and for me to formulate what it is that I believe. about this topic. I have no problem admitting that I may be misinformed about some things, and certaily uninformed by a long shot. I do listen to the news and I think that the people who said the media is twisting it are probably right....maybe. I think thee have been some god points made hear for both sides.
But like Ollie stated, if the world is so misinformed about what Muslins are about or their beliefs, why don't the leaders, or at least the leaders of the Muslim faith in this country, speak out against the "few radicals". That just doesn't make sense to me.
However, it doesn't change my mind about the potential threat that the Muslims are creating in this country, and it's not just in this country, it's all around the world.
If it is just a few radical muslims that are creating all this chaos and misconception about their god, it should be pretty easy for the majority of muslims to let the rest of the world know what kind of god they really do worship.
I am a Christian, and as such do believe in Jesus Christ as the living God, that lived a perfect life, died, and rose from the dead. He is living today and it is ONLY threw him that we can have everlasting life(heaven).
Does this mean that I or other Christians are perfect? Absolutely not. But look around the world today and see how many Christian organizations are working to help people all other the world. Most importantly, about sharing the gospel and the gift of eternal salvation thruogh Christ, but also by meeting their physical needs. Christians are not around the world making war, but sharing the good news of Jesus, just as we are commanded to do.
I have friends that are non believers, I don't push it like others might, but if they ask, and they usually do, I will tell them straight up what the bible says about life after death and how we are to conduct ourselves in this life.
I do not judge people because of how they live or what they believe, that is their business, but it is my business to share with them what I know to be true about God, when te opportunity presents itself.
I have been ridiculed far more for my beliefs than I have condemned others for theirs, that is not my responsibilty, but Gods and Gods alone. We will all be judge, so...............
IF you want to believe in a rock, or any other pgan religion, go right ahead. I KNOW the consequences of such a decision.