I heard this on the radio last night on the way home, just couldn't believe what I was hearing..
Are all the other problems of this nation taken care of to the point that the President can address the nation about a man getting arrested for apparently breaking into a house and getting disgruntled with the officers?
I would be happy to see the cops show up at my house if this was the case, that way I knew my neighbors would do the right thing.
If this was a white man, it wouldn't have even made the local news.
They talk so much about "Minorities".... have they walked around streets of the cities in this country lately???? I think it's time to redefine who is a minority in this country!!!
Are all the other problems of this nation taken care of to the point that the President can address the nation about a man getting arrested for apparently breaking into a house and getting disgruntled with the officers?
I would be happy to see the cops show up at my house if this was the case, that way I knew my neighbors would do the right thing.
If this was a white man, it wouldn't have even made the local news.
They talk so much about "Minorities".... have they walked around streets of the cities in this country lately???? I think it's time to redefine who is a minority in this country!!!