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Boise NF closed to riding and skiing

This type of BS is why most folks these days who recreate on public lands can't stand the government and the disdain grows uglier everyday. I'd like to see the twisted spin they came up with for this justification. I'm pretty sure I could dissect the virus reasoning and shoot it full of holes in about one heartbeat. Can someone explain to me how escaping to the wide open spaces of the great outdoors creates a virus spread threat, and don't blame it on the alcohol swabbed gas pump, restaurant, and bar that's been closed for sometime already. I guess the justification for closing all boat ramps is about the same, my dog and myself in a fishing boat 1 mile from any other human being. Let's just say the world has gone completely frickin nuts and common sense flew out the window with the bathwater!!!
Do you guys understand the idea of flattening the curve of infection rate so that the healthcare system can support those who need medical attention? Do you realize how sparse supplies are going to be given the volume they are going to be needed? The point of staying home and not recreating is to remove as much risk as possible from burdening the system needlessly. Do you NEED to go fishing? No. Are the odds small that you might need assistance? Yes. But things are going to get so thin, that assistance may not be available. Or you needing assistance will take away from many more than just you and expose others who wouldn’t otherwise be exposed.

You can think what you want, blow holes in a heartbeat. But my significant other is a nurse and she’s already compromised in her daily job duties and they don’t have a single covid patient yet. The PPE she needs to keep herself and the premie babies she cares for is unavailable because of selfish people who don’t need it. Today was her 8th day in a row over 14 hours on the job because resources are being stretched every which way.

So please listen to these asks from your government and heed the stay at home warnings. It’s going to get worse and people you know will likely be affected. Don’t be the reason they can’t get care.

Best case scenario is nothing happens to you or someone you know and you walk away in 6 weeks thinking maybe it was for not. I can promise you it wasn’t. I live it daily and it will get harder before it gets easier.
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I think the PPE shortage is the most likely reason Idaho enacted the order. While sledding is relatively low risk and low spread, I have stayed home just to do my part. I have a friend doing the Covid testing and they told me that since we were one of the last to detect it that we are also last in getting supplies. I hope they modify because I don't think we're going to need until may personally but that's my own observation. My hope in shortening the order is that shelter in place won't last for two months. I'd like one more good ride before I put them away :)
The guidelines I read today said outdoor recreation was okay. How is this endangering anyone? Out snowmobiling today, I never came within 200 feet of anyone else other than family members. While gassing up no one within a couple of dozen feet.
Do you guys understand the idea of flattening the curve of infection rate so that the healthcare system can support those who need medical attention? Do you realize how sparse supplies are going to be given the volume they are going to be needed? The point of staying home and not recreating is to remove as much risk as possible from burdening the system needlessly. Do you NEED to go fishing? No. Are the odds small that you might need assistance? Yes. But things are going to get so thin, that assistance may not be available. Or you needing assistance will take away from many more than just you and expose others who wouldn’t otherwise be exposed.

You can think what you want, blow holes in a heartbeat. But my significant other is a nurse and she’s already compromised in her daily job duties and they don’t have a single covid patient yet. The PPE she needs to keep herself and the premie babies she cares for is unavailable because of selfish people who don’t need it. Today was her 8th day in a row over 14 hours on the job because resources are being stretched every which way.

So please listen to these asks from your government and heed the stay at home warnings. It’s going to get worse and people you know will likely be affected. Don’t be the reason they can’t get care.

Best case scenario is nothing happens to you or someone you know and you walk away in 6 weeks thinking maybe it was for not. I can promise you it wasn’t. I live it daily and it will get harder before it gets easier.

as they low census nurses and doctors here... understand the infection curve as it relates to healthcare capability is based upon a mathematic model and the model is being revised as it was overly aggressive... same thing they did with the Swine Flu... and remember the model on HIV and how hetrosexual females will be the highest level of infection... yeah that did not happen either. I'm going riding (but on my dirt bike)...
The guidelines I read today said outdoor recreation was okay. How is this endangering anyone? Out snowmobiling today, I never came within 200 feet of anyone else other than family members. While gassing up no one within a couple of dozen feet.

This has nothing to do with the virus or spreading it. It has everything to do with the volume of people that are getting infected and the healthcare system’s ability to care for that many people at one time. It’s about resource management. If you’re out doing things you don’t have to and get hurt and need medical care, it may not be there for you. Or if it is, you could be taking away from the ability to care for many many others who desperately need it.

Most notably, you will be taking it away from the healthcare workers putting themselves and their lives at risk to take care of you and your loved ones. Those people voluntarily throwing themselves in the way of this virus, for you.

Does that make sense?
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as they low census nurses and doctors here... understand the infection curve as it relates to healthcare capability is based upon a mathematic model and the model is being revised as it was overly aggressive... same thing they did with the Swine Flu... and remember the model on HIV and how hetrosexual females will be the highest level of infection... yeah that did not happen either. I'm going riding (but on my dirt bike)...

The part about nurses and doctors getting low census’d....that’s a whole ‘nother ball of wax that’s really messed up. That whole structure is not appropriate for the healthcare system and the responsibilities that the workers have. They aren’t payed enough to begin withand then get shoved off because of low census. It’s not right.
This has nothing to do with the virus or spreading it. It has everything to do with the volume of people that are getting infected and the healthcare system’s ability to care for that many people at one time. It’s about resource management. If you’re out doing things you don’t have to and get hurt and need medical care, it may not be there for you. Or if it is, you could be taking away from the ability to care for many many others who desperately need it.

Most notably, you will be taking it away from the healthcare workers putting themselves and their lives at risk to take care of you and your loved ones. Those people voluntarily throwing themselves in the way of this virus, for you.

Does that make sense?

I understand your point, however the last report in my community of approx. 120,000 people is 6 verified cases as of the last update. With an average rate of those who are affected needing hospitalization at 15%. as has been reported, I'm pretty sure our hospitals aren't being overwhelmed. Your logic of sitting completely idle for the indefinite future for fear of hurting ourselves seems a little over reactive for most of the country. It makes more sense in the few hot spots where the medical community is being heavily utilized, however that is not the case where I'm located and I'm pretty sure that it isn't the case in Boise, given the latst updates and applying the 15% average hospitalization rate., but for most of America I fail to see the logic. In the meantime I'll continue to follow our states recommended guidelines, practice social distancing, and enjoy spring time snowmobiling. I also believe that getting out in the National forests can help the rapidly decaying morale of the country.
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It is to keep out-of-staters and anyone that doesn't live here away. Not to keep us from having fun. A sick vacationer who doesn't know that they are sick going into the mountains doesn't hurt anything. That same person going to the gas stations, hotels, restaurants, etc. is what Valley County is trying to prevent. Valley County is trying to keep the sickness away as long as possible. We have the ability to have it NEVER get here, with two roads in and out. I wouldn't be surprised if the roads are closed at some point if people don't follow the rules. That is the same reason all hotels and short term rentals are now shut down. As well as a lot of businesses. To keep from happening to Valley County what is currently happening in Blaine County. Both vacation towns. Blaine is getting destroyed from vacationers bringing it in. Huge infection rate. We have two tiny hospitals with a handful of beds. Things are rapidly getting out of control here. We have had three shootings and a terrorist threat in 4 days. People are starting to get very aggressive towards people with out of town plates. Everyone packs here and some of the people who do are not the most stable people. There are going to be a lot more shootings, especially when our infection rate starts to go up and people start to loose loved ones. We also have limited law enforcement. Most (if not all) of them went by my shop today to deal with the latest shooting/standoff, leaving few available for regular stuff. I don't like having to cut my season short, but I also know that the people that are making these decisions are doing it for the health of the town/county/country. And mark my words, when people abuse the current leniency of the stay at home orders long enough, it will start to be enforced and we won't have the freedoms that we currently do. It has already started. Things are changing DAILY here for the worse. It is necessary.
6 verified sick in 120K is .005%.
We have 2 verified in 4000K. .05%. And we had nobody sick until a few days ago.
It is to keep out-of-staters and anyone that doesn't live here away. Not to keep us from having fun. A sick vacationer who doesn't know that they are sick going into the mountains doesn't hurt anything. That same person going to the gas stations, hotels, restaurants, etc. is what Valley County is trying to prevent.

See Sun Valley/Blaine county for an example of this.
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