The other day I went riding and had some issues with the sled bogging no codes , little back ground the sled is a 2017 axys with a sidekick kit had 200 miles when this happend I was sidehilling when it first happened ended up slide into the trees no damage but not in a good position when it happened then went a mile more same thing so stop changed plugs old plugs were chocolate brown and dry took off again and everything was good for a bit then bogged again and my buddies 2016 axys with a sidekick did the same thing figured it was probably moisture in one of the plugs dry the hood plug and checked the relays took off and was good again for a bit the next time it happened I pulled the hood plug apart dried it out and wrapped a google bag around the connection and had no issues with the sled the rest of the day am I up in the night or is others having the same issue and am I on the right track