The plowed non -Sno Park areas are not subject to any rules or Regs stating that you may not park your snomo rig there- it is general USFS Land. Anyone with a lawful Permit may park in a Sno Park. Conversely anyone without a Permit is unlawfully parked. Not a us/ them issue... Permits are purchased by snomo riders but also by skiers!
According to Officials whom I have asked, RVs parked for camping that are tow rigs are technically legal, it is interesting how the subject of tents was raised here but not RVs. Tents are clearly unlawful in a Sno Park, I have called the Law and met with Officials in regard to skiers taking Sno Park parking for tents, tables at Hog Loppet etc.
There is no regulation for Sno Park parking except turnaround, so anyone may park close to your snomo trailer lawfully, get over it (please post Regs if I am wrong). If my trailer is blocked, I just pull out and go to where I may load. Are some so lazy and weak that they cannot drive their rig? No one is morally superior because you ride a snowmobile. With limited parking why not park the lot full- or do snowmobilers believe folks should not park at all so that the may have 10 ft behind their trailer?
It is also a hoot that snomo riders sometimes take an attitude that they are 'tougher' than skiers who climb mountains on skis for hours at a time- bwaaa haaa haaa, just keep yer tough-guy attitude to yourself because it is bs and we all just need to be civil to each other. Perhaps one should not mistakenly assume that polite or civil behavior is weakness...
Deepdiver it was not stated by me that Tronsen was Wilderness, it is a long-standing Non-Motorized Area. One of my neighbors worked on cutting the original Lilleby (Haney Meadow) Trail in the '60s, another neighbor in USFS enlarged the ski trail system at Tronsen after that. I logged on both sides of Blewett in the '80s so I became familiar, and have snowmobile-skitoured there since the '80s.
Deepdiver from Marysville? Lots of days at Blewett? Whatever, Your claim to SAR, yawn, others have done that and I have no need to give you a comparo, and it does not pertain to this discussion nor does attitude.
Hog Loppet is not 'mine,' I think it is a joke and I do not appreciate the attitude of the Organizers and skiers who think they own that road that is groomed all year with Sno Park funding. I believe that HL skiers need to be required to stay on their 1/2 of the road, that snowmobiles should not be limited because of HL. A few years ago, I was at Blewett Sno Park when HL Organizers took over 60% of the Lot with tents, stoves, Cascade EMS in the turnaround- that was unacceptable. I met/ communicated with USFS Officials and communicated with WA State Parks Sno Park Officials about the unreasonable/ unlawful taking of a State facility (Sno Park) by skiers/ HL, the situation was corrected then, I was not around HL in recent past years to see. HL skiers park the night before, against the Agreement as they are supposed to ride the HL bus! The problem is, they may Lawfully park the lot full if they have a Permit. Because of all of this, I oppose Hog Loppet and have not yet but have considered lobbying against HL. I think that Hog Loppet is inappropriate use of that area.
Yeah, have a nice day. I have enjoyed meeting and talking to many snowmobilers, been helped and helped other snowmobilers. I have not really encountered much attitude from snowmobilers, more from skiers in regard to my snowmobile. However this belligerent crap and tough guy talk here hopefully is anonymous false courage. This skier is no weeny, I wish to be civil, but in the front or backcountry I would not back away from some aggressive belligerent punk, I am prepared and capable and such a punk would be quite surprised by a skier- do not assume that a skier is a helpless puss. Let's all be civil to each other, please.