Are you sure the tracks were not from snowmobile-riding skiers? Or perhaps an evil skiing conspirator, set upon the bold exploit to tarnish the overall valiant snowmobile community standing.
I think that generally the user groups make an effort to get along and that this year with the lessened snow pack and condensed quality access points may have lead to more squabbles. This brings up a good point that you’d be very honorable in pursuing, with your connections, the need for expanded and multiple (perhaps some segregated) access points.
I’ve encountered more animosity from skiers than has ever been warranted. If you have been on here for long you’d see the outreach, consideration, and thoughtfulness attempted by most sledders to other snow users; Skiers, snowshoers, dog sledders, rental sledders, ect… A lot of us go out of our way to slow down, often ask proper or suggested trail etiquette, leave a lane, organize access and clean-up, and offer friendly gesture.
This is where the snowmobile organization group leaders should be coming forward to find out who he is in communication with, find the truth without elevated diminutive language (from both sides) work on solutions; continually updating the user groups.
Raddonnee, you’d be better off asking who these folks are, once you’ve stated your concern, and working directly with them, rather than resort to scrap talk. You seemed genuinely concerned and were willing to discus the issue, but now are just coming off as someone here to argue and, I fear (as I originally suspected), plainly opposed to our sport and land use.
Work together for MORE not less?