NOTE: If the linkage arm comes off of the lever or
adjuster arm, verify the oil pump lever arm has not
rotated over-center prior to reinstalling the linkage.
Oil Pump Bleeding
1. The oil supply hose must be filled with oil to bleed the
2. Remove the following components:
• Drive belt
• Oil tank/clutch cover assembly
• Air box assembly
• Throttle body assembly from the intake adapter
3. Loosen the bleed screw (A). Verify a stream of oil
flows from the bleed screw.
4. After bleeding oil pump, secure bleed screw and wipe
up oil residue.
NOTE: Any time the engine is disassembled or
repaired, it is important to purge air within the oil
supply hose and oil pump.
Oil Injection Hose Priming
To prime the oil injection hoses follow these steps:
1. Locate the oil pump linkage rod end on the top of the
throttle body.
2. Obtain a length of wire (coat hanger) with a small hook
on one end.
3. Hook the oil pump linkage rod on the throttle body as
shown in the photo.
4. With the engine compartment doors closed, have an
assistant start the engine. Pull the linkage upwards to
set the oil pump to maximum flow. Continue doing this
for a few minutes.
5. Stop the engine. Inspect the oil injection hoses for air
bubbles. If there are air bubbles greater than one inch
in length, repeat step 4 until they are pushed out of the
hoses. Air bubbles less than one inch in length are
permissible, but you must verify they are moving
towards each oil injector when the engine is running.
The fact that the air bubbles are moving through thethe
hoses indicates that the pump is properly bled