Why would any sane person (I thought I was) volentarily subject themselves to such a piece of S H I T? This thing has done something to piss me off everyday since I got it a week ago! The salesperson (lieing B) said it was awsome and so easy to figure out, "We never have any problems." . Apperently they haven't sold any! Problems have ranged from no browser to not even working as a phone! Every time I take it back (4 times in a week) the same person says "Thats wierd!". Ya it's wierd, you have my money and this piece of ........ doesn't work, AGAIN! End of rant and moral of my story, if you don't work for NASA and want one of the things, please contact me, I will take your money and give you a kick in the junk. Trust me, the pain will go away faster (I'm in a 3 year contract)!