wheresthesnow i have a zx the one in the pic with a 780 tripple with jaws pipes and it really runs hard and pulls hard when i frist put it together had trouble getting enough air to it have lots of vents in the hood and it helps alot to get air to it it does run alot better with the hood off have you tried the hood off i used to run any wherer from 380 jets to 320 jets in the mikuni 38mm flat slides i now have 40 lectrons but dependong on elevation jetting should be close what are you running for ramps in your primary if you are runnig 145 or some thing it might not shift out i run a 286 ramp i have tried a 287 which i couldnt hold rpm in a climb with them but with yours beeing a 1000 it might pull a 287 ramp and then play with weight in pins i also run a solid pin with magnesium arms now but ran stock arms for along time with some where around 12 grams of weight is your engine a 780 or 809 base with aftermarket cylinders like price i have thought about doing a price 1080 becuase i want more power 240 to 250 hp would be nice and the skidoo base tripple weights 91 pounds and a 800 polaris twin weights 75 i wil take the extra 30 pounds with extra pipe and carb for the power of the tripple but a pull the rope and go less maintence stock twin is apealing some times but i just might be gettin old thanks guys have a great day dan