Do not be scared of a $1000 sled. If the only choise we had was to spend $180 per month to own a snowmobile some of us including myself would not be snowmobilers. I cannot afford $180 per month without depriving my family of the necessities in life. I do not even spend that kind of money for our main family vehicle. If you learn how to work on these older sleds and shop around places like e-bay you can keep the older sleds going and still have all kinds of fun. I purchased a 97 Powder Special in 2003 for $650 with a blown motor. 2 pistons a cylinder and replacement of a streched chain and broken gear I had it running. Approx $400 plus my time and labor. I am still running that Powder Special. Yes I have had some repairs over the last 7 years which have averaged out to $125 per year and I have spent another $500 total in added improvements such as a longer track, clutch improvements, bar risers, carb mods and a recovered seat. The bottom line is dont let someone tell you the only way to have fun is to spend thousands of dollars for a new or newer sled.