So while I was riding today, I hit a small 5ft cornice, and bent the tunnel. We had 1.5 ft of fresh powder today, and everything was very soft. It didn't feel like I landed hard or anything. I wouldn't have even notice, but the next time I tried to climb I had the ratcheting start happening. Upon close examination, I see that the tunnel bent on both sides right where the bracket is on the forward part of the tunnel, near where you can hook your feet in. Anyone else out there have this problem? Is Polaris doing anything about the weak tunnel? I know there were tons of threads about this early in the season. Unfortunately for us, we have not had a ton of snow, so I have only put on about 250 miles since Jan. Is there any stiffeners out there that can help fix this problem as I am sure Polaris won't warranty this type of wear and tear item.