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Belt issues?

Find this very interesting as my 2022 Gen4 Expert 165 Turbo R has 940 miles (1512 km) on the original belt with no issues. Clutches and belt have been cleaned every three or four rides. High Altitude set up with clickers set on #3.

Maybe the extra power of the 2023 is harder on belts, could be clutching or just proper maintenance.

Time will tell.
Has nothing to do with the extra power! It’s the new split driveshaft. It has way too much play and wobble in it
To make most of your belt life, make sure your sled runs allways 8000-8100rpm. You can adjust clikers on your clutch, effect on on each setting is around 100-200rpm up or down. If your sled is underreving, somewhere between 7500-7800 rpm, your belt life will be decreased significantly.

If you set up clikers to #4 or even #5 and sled is stll underreving, you should change to shorter pivot bolts. There is three pivot sizes available from your dealer: 26mm, 33mm and 38mm. Check what your stock pivot is and work from there.

Optimal cliker setting is #3 for all around riding. So I would recommend you change your pivots legnth/weight to match that position.
Unless there is something wrong with my belt temp sensor, My belt in 3-4 feet of fresh on a climb was 105f when I could wipe the dash off to see it.
I seen 121f when my sled was overrevving, went back to 105f when I clicked down.

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The few times i checked my temp its around 105 boondocking around of 20 minutes. Ill get it to high 120 on full out climbing 30-45 seconds. Temps seam fine, rpm is 8100-8000, belt and shives cleaned every couple rides.
Ive got customers who've got blown belts where the chunks are 4 to 6 inches long. One guy was able to put his hand on the chunks after the fail, so they were 120deg F and less [after failure]
There are some unlearned ones on FB turbo pages saying its clutch kits, no, just shows they don't know anything about belt failure causes, nor the status of alignment or anything else; just yap-flappin post narcissists.
That blown belt picture, this is the GnR alignment bar showing there is a 4mm gap of what the alignment shouldnt be.
Belts blow in basically 4 different ways and have 4 different results [evidence] of the root problem. The orange circle with frayed fibers, that's from "uneven stress" [misalignment] on those fiber tension members. When one tension member (strand) goes, they all go like dominoes.
gnr align bar misalign.jpg
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Ive got customers who've got blown belts where the chunks are 4 to 6 inches long. One guy was able to put his hand on the chunks after the fail, so they were 120deg F and less [after failure]
There are some unlearned ones on FB turbo pages saying its clutch kits, no, just shows they don't know anything about belt failure causes, nor the status of alignment or anything else; just yap-flappin post narcissists.
That blown belt picture, this is the GnR alignment bar showing there is a 4mm gap of what the alignment shouldnt be.
Belts blow in basically 4 different ways and have 4 different results [evidence] of the root problem. The orange circle with frayed fibers, that's from "uneven stress" [misalignment] on those fiber tension members. When one tension member (strand) goes, they all go like dominoes.
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Thanks for sharing. What is the corrective fix on Doo clutches for folks that are having the issue you describe?
I must have jynxed myself by posting about my belt. At 405 miles on a big pull out of a drainage, I found myself laying in front of the sled hanging on to the ski loop to keep the sled from going back downhill.... no warning....

I didn’t think the 574 was available yet, it’s the turbo R belt.
Anyone know the difference between the two. IMO there is nothing wrong with the 571.
I blew my belt today at 520 Miles, seems a little premature to me? My belt was always adjusted to sit within spec and I never have seen a belt temp warning. I have been riding my 163" track mostly deep snow days with minimal trail riding since the day I got this sled so maybe that contributed to early failure? Just curios what everyone else is experiencing. Thanks!
I blew my belt today at 520 Miles, seems a little premature to me? My belt was always adjusted to sit within spec and I never have seen a belt temp warning. I have been riding my 163" track mostly deep snow days with minimal trail riding since the day I got this sled so maybe that contributed to early failure? Just curios what everyone else is experiencing. Thanks!
I have blown 2 (kinda 3)- less than 600 miles. I have not blown a belt on a ski doo since 2017 and that was with an aftermarket turbo. The first belt was about 250 miles. My backup belt has been a gates belt for years (I have never needed it)but I blew it the same day my first OEM belt broke. I don't consider it a 'blown belt' since it wasn't an OEM. Blew my second belt around 500 miles. I asked my dealer about it and he said that with the extra power and current setup, he expects the 571's to last around 500 miles.
I’ve blown 3 belts within 230 miles!! All riding in deep powder! Felt that maybe heat was problem??‍♂️ belt temps reading 115-120. Thought it was weird then I think I found the problem jack shaft moved out in bearing making clutch out of alignment. Pressed bearing back down and going to try it again tomorrow in the deep!
This on my 2023 lynx ds 4100 600 ish miles.
2023 expert 154 has 1500 ish miles and still running same belt. But bearing looks to be go on it.

I’ve blown 3 belts within 230 miles!! All riding in deep powder! Felt that maybe heat was problem??‍♂️ belt temps reading 115-120. Thought it was weird then I think I found the problem jack shaft moved out in bearing making clutch out of alignment. Pressed bearing back down and going to try it again tomorrow in the deep!
This on my 2023 lynx ds 4100 600 ish miles.
2023 expert 154 has 1500 ish miles and still running same belt. But bearing looks to be go on it.
A friend in Alpine had his exact failure on his Lynx a few weeks back. LCC fixed him up.
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