I'm betting I get less sleep than a majority of you. I typically get up at 7:35 for 8:00 classes, have class/do hw all day besides an hour of lunch. 5-7 I work out, eat, and shower. Then around 9 I talk/skype with my girlfriend who goes to school in a different town for an hour. Then 10-2 I finish homework and study. Being a pre-pharmacy major with 17 credits is rather difficult and I'm hoping for a 3.94gpa this semester. Classes I take include chem112(this is by far the hardest and takes a majority of my time. my 1credit lab is usually 2-3hours long and the report takes anywhere between 2-6hours to complete and grading is rediculous even with all the time I put in I am barely getting a B in the lab), bio 101(the class average is a 62% I've got a 90%), a math class, english comp, a sociology 101 class, and a pharmacy class. Despite all this, I do still have quite a bit of time on the weekends to party, sleep in, and relax though!
Sounds to me like you are a freshman, it isn't hard yet.
Me I love my sleep. But heck when I was 23, 24, 25 I used to work third shift and not sleep for 36 hours plus routinely, trust me, there isn't enough caffeine in the world to let you keep up with no sleep. You might be able to function and work but trust me YOU WILL become the biggest most on edge prick imaginable.