I'm betting I get less sleep than a majority of you. I typically get up at 7:35 for 8:00 classes, have class/do hw all day besides an hour of lunch. 5-7 I work out, eat, and shower. Then around 9 I talk/skype with my girlfriend who goes to school in a different town for an hour. Then 10-2 I finish homework and study. Being a pre-pharmacy major with 17 credits is rather difficult and I'm hoping for a 3.94gpa this semester. Classes I take include chem112(this is by far the hardest and takes a majority of my time. my 1credit lab is usually 2-3hours long and the report takes anywhere between 2-6hours to complete and grading is rediculous even with all the time I put in I am barely getting a B in the lab), bio 101(the class average is a 62% I've got a 90%), a math class, english comp, a sociology 101 class, and a pharmacy class. Despite all this, I do still have quite a bit of time on the weekends to party, sleep in, and relax though!