If Tog is insisting you pay them to rent a beacon on top of paying them to rent a sled are they also spending the nescessary time to train you to use the beacon?
A beacon in the hands of a person who has no idea how to use it is only good for locating the body that the beacon is strapped to afterward.
They would be no help in locating others that have been buried.
I'm guessing the folks renting them would be happy to train you.....For another fee?
But I doubt it.
The rental places I've seen locally barely explain where the brake lever on the sled is is.
AM riding with a beacon this year but I also spent the time and money to be trained in it's use.
But that was MY descision...No law required me to do it.
It's just common sence, like seatbelts in your car or any other piece of safety equipment.
I CHOOSE to wear it like I coose to wear a beacon.
I also CHOOSE not to play on wind loaded or dangerous slopes that could slide.
The brain is MUCH more efficient at keeping you safe than any electronic equipment that you can strap to your body.