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Barack Obama's Stealth Socialism

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Aug 14, 2002
Did you just answer a question without answering it, sorry that makes you a politician. :)

The answer was no. I was hoping it wasn't a serious question........ but I guess it was?:(
Nov 2, 2001
Boise, Id
Good, glad to see Emotional Thinking was beat out of you by Engineering Reasoning. It's hard to be an Engineer and hear all the Socialist bread and wine for everyone craap. Finite resources, and reasoned motivation to develop are necessary. Oh, course the Stalin always had the gulags to motivate.
Nov 26, 2007
billings, MT
Good, glad to see Emotional Thinking was beat out of you by Engineering Reasoning. It's hard to be an Engineer and hear all the Socialist bread and wine for everyone craap. Finite resources, and reasoned motivation to develop are necessary. Oh, course the Stalin always had the gulags to motivate.

that was good!:beer;


Well-known member
Lifetime Membership
Aug 14, 2002
Good, glad to see Emotional Thinking was beat out of you by Engineering Reasoning. It's hard to be an Engineer and hear all the Socialist bread and wine for everyone craap. Finite resources, and reasoned motivation to develop are necessary. Oh, course the Stalin always had the gulags to motivate.

If people would ask what we should do about the hungy, disabled, born with disorders they would see a ......well lets call it non liberal point of view. Probably non-conservative too. Same for the whole bio-chem field.... Is this a segway that I feel coming?

Oh, and I would be a communist or socialist or whatever, but the human ability to screw there neighbor and families to get a little extra makes them not possible in the present psychological state of the human race. Frankly, the idea is grand, but it doesn't work and won't ever work unless the way humans think and behave is changed... that and 7/8 of the world population disappear. Reading back, that is ed zackery what you stated above, just reworded to make me sound kind of smart too.:p

One thing that I find interesting about the whole democracy vs. communism and socialism thing.

The people that fight for our democratic freedoms live a more communistic lifestyle than the people they are fighting for. Our means of making money (jobs and the like) are more communistic than our means of spending the money and using it. Kind of an interesting little tidbit there.


Oct 2, 2007
Milliken, CO
Our means of making money (jobs and the like) are more communistic than our means of spending the money and using it. Kind of an interesting little tidbit there.


I don't know about you but I get payed what I make based on my performance and not what the guy next to me makes. They pay me enough to keep me there or I will find someone else to pay me enough.

I'm such a whore:eek:


Well-known member
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Aug 14, 2002

I don't know about you but I get payed what I make based on my performance and not what the guy next to me makes. They pay me enough to keep me there or I will find someone else to pay me enough.

I'm such a whore:eek:

Your have very limited choice in the company about what you do except for how hard you do it (how productive you are). Granted I don't know what you do, but I would say this fits on the average. Most companies you get paid roughly the same as a comparable person doing you job gets paid, regardless of productivity. Now I am talking average, maybe it is 51% or something... obviously this does not work in the trades/construction nor sales and the business management types. But there are more peons than execs anyways.


Well-known member
Nov 26, 2007
South Dakota
the human ability to screw there neighbor and families to get a little extra makes them not possible in the present psychological state of the human race. Frankly, the idea is grand, but it doesn't work and won't ever work unless the way humans think and behave is changed... that and 7/8 of the world population disappear.

.......we did not have this problem 200 years ago and people thought much differently then than they do now, why do you think that is?


Oct 2, 2007
Milliken, CO
Your have very limited choice in the company about what you do except for how hard you do it (how productive you are). Granted I don't know what you do, but I would say this fits on the average. Most companies you get paid roughly the same as a comparable person doing you job gets paid, regardless of productivity. Now I am talking average, maybe it is 51% or something... obviously this does not work in the trades/construction nor sales and the business management types. But there are more peons than execs anyways.

Actually I'm one of those middle management types but my annual pay increase, and bonus hinge solely on my performance in areas of budget, safety, productivity, and added value. I make the company more and I make more, Novel capitalistic system heh? As for the limited choice thing I'm in a somewhat unique situation where I have a lot of autonomy.

However, when you get down to it in anyplace but a union environment you can make more for how hard you work. Your paid to do a job, the better you do it, the more you get paid. If not and you stay there, Your an idiot or are entirely too dependent on the security blanket of your job or union.


Well-known member
Lifetime Membership
Aug 14, 2002
.......we did not have this problem 200 years ago and people thought much differently then than they do now, why do you think that is?

Your going to have to go further than that.... try about 10k years ago..... right when farming started and food was put under lock and key. It is all about control.
Oct 3, 2005
Actually I am a commie fawk

Negative RuffRyder - cmantle has that one.:face-icon-small-win

Exactly!! I have stated this on here a few times which I'm sure you have noticed. Also the BIG reason why Obama should not be Pres as it is the Pres that signs the ramblings of congress into law or veto's them. Even though it can be overridden with a majority held Dem congress that alone makes him a bad choice. No checks and balances.

It's sad when you think about the fact that congress, last I heard, had single digit approval ratings and most of them up for re-election will retain their seats.


I think that the incumbancy rate in Congress is running somewhere in the high 90 percentile for the last couple of general elections. One up side to a Democratic majority (or Republican for you Dem folks) is that not a lot gets accomplished.

Look at when either party had control of the House, Senate and White House - a lot of nothing but bickering. Yes I'll concede that during those times some legislation was passed, but if you follow the appropriations afterward, not all of them were funded to the max.

If we are restating earlier posted opinions, heres mine: no matter who wins the Whitehouse, they are going to inherit a steaming, heaping, helping of horsefeathers. Our Legislators have squandered a lot of time and resources trying to one up each other in the giant fist f*#k we call DC. IMHO we have ignored every opportunity to make substanitive change because "our guy" is doing a stellar job. BullS&^%!!!!!! My guy has been there twenty two years, and it would seem that things have "gotten worse". I'm so sick and frikken tired of hearing about the environmental wackos, liberal left wing, blah blah blah.

Sorry Dude, but these wak jobs have been slowly eating away at my off road rights for the last 20 years. I don't give a shi'ite about how your taking it to the environmental lobby trying to stop this nonsense. If your batting .300 (pretty respectable, eh) that means your LOSING .700 of the time. How many of us could eff up 7 out of 10 times and still have a job. Your not trying hard enough or your are ineffective. Either way, you'd be fired if you had a real job.

Back to the "Centrist" Obama. He has been accused of back peddling. It is not back peddling, its called getting elected to the highest office in the land. Remember where Clinton started (the left) and where he moved to as the election cycle dragged on? See any similarities? Why is McCain still alluding to Global warming issues when it comes to his stand on energy.

While we're at it, why aren't the peddlers of doom (ie. Al Gore, et al) hollering from every microphone about the ills of global warming. If you knew that the destruction of the planet was eminent, and thus the end of your family and loved ones, wouldn't you raise holy heck to make sure you did everything to stop it? Its pretty sad that global warming's spokes model, right now, is John McCain.

Not to get away from the Obama topic. Let me "ax" you all this.

Given history, most of the Presidents over the last 30 plus years have been "outsiders". Yes they have held public office, but how many of them have spent multiple terms in Congress and then went on to Presidential election success? Hmmmmmmmmmmm. Fear not GOP members, at least McCain is left handed.:)
Nov 2, 2001
Boise, Id
Given history, most of the Presidents over the last 30 plus years have been "outsiders". Yes they have held public office, but how many of them have spent multiple terms in Congress and then went on to Presidential election success? Hmmmmmmmmmmm. Fear not GOP members, at least McCain is left handed.:)

Over the past 30 years, how many times did we only have two senators to pick from? And yes, I wish McCain would pull his stupid head out of the Global Warming cookie bowl. I think the reason Gore is quite, is because Obama promised him something, for his silence. Obama aint stupid, he learned a lot watching Slick Willey "help" his wife.


Well-known member
Nov 26, 2007
South Dakota
Your going to have to go further than that.... try about 10k years ago..... right when farming started and food was put under lock and key. It is all about control.

Elaborate on the bold. I don't see what you're getting at with that sentence. Maybe it's the Budweiser?:beer;:beer;


Well-known member
Lifetime Membership
Aug 14, 2002
Elaborate on the bold. I don't see what you're getting at with that sentence. Maybe it's the Budweiser?:beer;:beer;

I can do you one better... check out the "B" books by daniel quinn. They explain it much better than I possibly could.
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