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Barack Obama's Stealth Socialism

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Oct 2, 2007
Milliken, CO
Obama's socialism is about as stealth as a brick to the head.

If you can't see it coming your either high on something, drank the kool-aide or a complete imbecile.


Well-known member
Nov 26, 2007
South Dakota
Many people are so out there in left field though they somehow think it's a good thing. Maybe they should get a clue and see we are leading up to a time where Big Brother tells us EVERYTHING that we should or should not do.
Nov 2, 2001
Boise, Id
Holy Cow, That's quite the article. If half of it is true, we're F'ed. I really hope this is just a scare article. But, I'm really not surprised at all. This is what I've f reared about this guy.

So, his dad is a radical Communist, that's trying to destabilize Africa. His childhood mentors were famous Communist/Socialist, and he's on the presidential ticket??????? This guys past would exclude him from even a Secret security clearance. I guess protecting snowmobiling may become a second tier problem for most of us.


Oct 2, 2007
Milliken, CO
I think you left some stuff out....... You can be much more descriptive than that!

Ruffy are you seriously still supporting this guy after all the turn backs and flip flops he's pulled? He's turned on nearly every issue that he actually stated his position on earlier. Except of course the war. Which I believe is one of his top 3 misguided positions.


Well-known member
Lifetime Membership
Aug 14, 2002
Ruffy, your not a tax and spend socialist are you??????

Actually I am a socialist greenie commie fawk disguised as a snowmobiler trying to take away all of your snowmobiling area's so I can cross country ski there. Sorry truth is out!

Honestly, people here hear what they want to hear here, and block out the rest..... here here.:p


Well-known member
Lifetime Membership
Aug 14, 2002
Ruffy are you seriously still supporting this guy after all the turn backs and flip flops he's pulled? He's turned on nearly every issue that he actually stated his position on earlier. Except of course the war. Which I believe is one of his top 3 misguided positions.

I have yet to make a commitment either way, just most people assume such when I point out the info they are passing around about Obama is BS. From what I have seen in differences between Obama and McCain, they aren't as big as what people are making them out to be.

In the end I think people forget that we are a democratic republic, and that a majority of the power lies in congress. The issues of the Country are dealt in congress or ignored in congress. That is where we should be spending our focus. It is getting to the point that I believe the president is turning into a figure of distraction for congress... a means of easily pointing the blame someplace else so the good ole boys can have business as usual and the wheels can keep on spinning.
Apr 3, 2008
Billings Mt.
Actually I am a socialist greenie commie fawk disguised as a snowmobiler trying to take away all of your snowmobiling area's so I can cross country ski there. Sorry truth is out!

Honestly, people here hear what they want to hear here, and block out the rest..... here here.:p

You forgot your third world game of soccer.


Well-known member
Lifetime Membership
Aug 14, 2002
The same could be said for your side of that fence at times.

Ed Zackery..... I was going to put that in there...... Actually that brings me to a good point. I don't view there being a fence nor sides. I try and judge each issue on its own merrit. Playing the whole sides game, dems and republicans... no wait now they are conservative republicans and liberal democrats... is just another distraction from the topic and creates us vs. them type of arguments, which only hurt the ability for many different people to come together and compromise on a solution that is good for everyone.
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Oct 2, 2007
Milliken, CO
In the end I think people forget that we are a democratic republic, and that a majority of the power lies in congress. The issues of the Country are dealt in congress or ignored in congress. That is where we should be spending our focus. It is getting to the point that I believe the president is turning into a figure of distraction for congress... a means of easily pointing the blame someplace else so the good ole boys can have business as usual and the wheels can keep on spinning.

Exactly!! I have stated this on here a few times which I'm sure you have noticed. Also the BIG reason why Obama should not be Pres as it is the Pres that signs the ramblings of congress into law or veto's them. Even though it can be overridden with a majority held Dem congress that alone makes him a bad choice. No checks and balances.

It's sad when you think about the fact that congress, last I heard, had single digit approval ratings and most of them up for re-election will retain their seats.


Oct 2, 2007
Milliken, CO
Ed Zackery..... I was going to put that in there...... Actually that brings me to a good point. I don't view there being a fence nor sides. I try and judge each issue on its own merrit. Playing the whole sides game, dems and republicans... no wait now they are conservative republicans and liberal democrats... is just another distraction from the topic and creates us vs. them type of arguments, which only hurt the ability for many different people to come together and compromise on a solution that is good for everyone.

You forgot it's Ultra lib dems, lib dems, lib reps, cons reps, and ultra right wing conservatives. Just thought I'd fill in the blanks:D
Nov 2, 2001
Boise, Id
Actually I am a socialist greenie commie fawk disguised as a snowmobiler trying to take away all of your snowmobiling area's so I can cross country ski there. Sorry truth is out!

Honestly, people here hear what they want to hear here, and block out the rest..... here here.:p

Did you just answer a question without answering it, sorry that makes you a politician. :)
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