"Black Power", however, does not have a long history like "White Power" with this kind of incident.
What would happen today, if there were white people hanging from the ropes or wires like the black people in these photos... every "patriot" organization in the country would flock to the cause ... like some did in the case of Cliven Bundy, who's band of followers pointed automatic weapons at law enforcement and walked away.
This one in front of an Omaha courthouse.
IMO, Anyone who says that historic context does not matter... does not appreciate the breadth and depth of the situation.
I remember Michael Donald... in 1981 when travelling through Alabama with family when I was in high school.... Lynched by the Alabama Klan to make a "White Power Statement"... That image has stuck with me to this day.
Michael Donald was born in Mobile, Alabama, in 1962. He attending a local trade school and worked part-time at the Mobile Press Register.
In 1981 the trial of Josephus Andersonan, an African American charged with the murder of a white policeman, took place in Mobile. At the end of the case the jury was unable to reach a verdict. This upset members of the Ku Klux Klan who believed that the reason for this was that some members of the jury were African Americans. At a meeting held after the trial, Bennie Hays, the second-highest ranking official in the Klan in Alabama said: "If a black man can get away with killing a white man, we ought to be able to get away with killing a black man."
On Saturday 21st March, 1981, Bennie Hays's son, Henry Hays, and James Knowles, decided they would get revenge for the failure of the courts to convict the man for killing a policeman. They travelled around Mobile in their car until they found nineteen year old Donald walking home. After forcing him into the car Donald was taken into the next county where he was lynched.
To this day... it still permeates our society... and is still infecting our children...
The parents of these girls should be publicly shamed by their OWN community.
Do I justify rioting or looting... heck NO....that is criminal action that should be punished to the extent of the law...
But this situation has not happened in a vacuum... I grew up in the Detroit suburbs... and I've personally witnessed unwarranted, systematic, white police aggression against black people... and the abject racism prominent in the area... Even against my own friends.
"Black Power" is a statement of Black Pride... and not a statement of the history of violent Racism that "White Power" represents in our country for centuries.
If you have never been to the inner city Baltimore...or Detroit or other impoverished, desperate, and utterly sad places in our country... then you really don't know the depth of despair that people in these areas have. I have and it makes me sad about the state of our country.
As far as the drug addiction of Gray... I see it the same way as I do about Rush Limbaugh's criminal drug addiction.
IMO...Say a prayer for us all... and for our nation!!