The trail is not always that bad. Been up there several times when the ride was reasonable on the way in...Friday nite was horrible. And I've got a bone to pick! Trails only get that way from deep lug machines using indiscriminate throttle. I don't ride to go do 4 miles of whoops, I access that area to snowboard in the wintertime. I have been on several trails in the immediate area that have not been like this, why? It can only be the riders on it. This area is a multi-use area, and I can truly see why other backcountry users think ugly snowmobiler thoughts. I sure as hell had 'em! If we keep treating this area in this manner, we will lose it. Period. Personally, I could care less what anyone does in that area once up there. Keep the road in passable shape, though, so others can use it and not complain.
Now I am sure someone is going to say "sack up" or "go buy a machine with long travel suspension" or some other derogatory thing. To you I say, "Go hang your arrogant selfish head in shame, and think of others." I CAN do something about this. I vote, I have disposable income, and I know who to call. And you could see me on the wrong side of the table on access issues into Baker. Not that I want lets start policing each other!