BRP has updated the rubber on the new ones
from what i have heard, you actually LOSE HP with aftermarket reeds like Boysen & VF III's
i think BJ had a post of a dyno that showed this........
there are quite a few ways you can spend $250 and put ur $$ to something more useful
i replaced my PTO side boot b/f going to Fernie last march
sled ran a little funny out there & actually wouldnt start
but my air box ended up slipping off the carb and was like that for most of the day!!!
we fixed and made er out ok
well i have recently put a whole new top end in
see pics below of the boot i pulled from the mag side and the piston
i was another pull away from a burn down i am sure
i also shoved a chunk of foam (the crap i pulled outta the bulk head)
and put it between the airbox and gas tank
this is a major cause of carb boot tear w the airbox rattling around in there
all this should fix the issue
you got lucky dude!!