Money wise I think in 2-3 years you will have spent less $$ per mile by buying a carry over Pro. If you look for the right deal you might be able to still pick up a brand new one for $8500. I think the resale on Pros will be very similar to what the M8s did a few years ago. The prices on them dropped dramatically when the Pros and Proclimbs came out (to around $6000) and nice ones held there for 2-3 years. The price of used Pros dropped big time between January(axys teaser came out) and March(axys was fully released) from around $8000 to $6000. Im betting a nice used Pro will still be worth $6000+ in 2-3 years. An Axys will more than likely cost you $12500 now and I would guess it will be worth $8500ish in 2-3 years. All just speculation.
I would not be one bit concerned about the motor on 2015 Pro. Imo you would be wasting your money replacing a good top end. Ride it, dont worry about it. Once you hit 1500-2000 or miles its maybe time to start thinking about checking out the motor.
All that being said if I were upgrading right now I would pony up and go for the Axys! Only bad that I have heard is that some don't idle real well, but it sounds like there is a fix for that.
I would not be one bit concerned about the motor on 2015 Pro. Imo you would be wasting your money replacing a good top end. Ride it, dont worry about it. Once you hit 1500-2000 or miles its maybe time to start thinking about checking out the motor.
All that being said if I were upgrading right now I would pony up and go for the Axys! Only bad that I have heard is that some don't idle real well, but it sounds like there is a fix for that.