Nobody has mentioned paracord, I bet once a year the paracord gets brought out for somebody's sled.
The uses for that stuff are limitless. Cut a branch and lash that sucker to a broken a arm, tie rod, or shock. I've even rode for multiple days in cooke like that with a bent/cracked alternative impact a arm on my axys. Wrapped a 1-1.5" stick from one end to the other. Broke the stick once on a jump i shouldn't have done, got a new one and kept on going till I got home and got a replacement a arm. It doesn't take up much room in my tunnel bag and I never go anywhere without it.
Hose clamps and a large wrench work even better for that.
The box end of the wrench can even replace a ball joint in an emergency. (Bolt, washer, wrench end, spindle then nut)