almost made me wanna cancell my flite! scary stuff right just goes to show you never know what tomorrow may bring...ride safe and well see you guys at avy,beacon,2 way radio class thurs nite!
As lucky as i feel you guys are for going to hawkfest,be careful out there and dont take unnecessary risks.that avalanche stuff is some scary ****.You all have a blast and come back alive and not too broken up.
And please,take lots of pics and videos.I wanna see how much fun i will have missed and feel sorry for myself
who know's,maybe next year i'll be able to go too!
I haven't rode much in the Logan area, but I think I will be sticking to Franklin Basin on Saturday. I really don't want to go to Tony's. Will there be more than one group going to different places? With the snow the way it is Tony's is just too scary for me.