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Well it was around 8:30 a group ( 6 )of us headed back to shrine bowl to hit some fresh powder knowing av danger was high we all had beacons an some of us had 2-way radios, ok we were in bounds. Went off trail may 30-40 yards up on the hill didn't think it was a big deal we looked at the hill knowing ok, not gonna go very high just play for a little bit and move on and before i knew it O sh*t out of the right conner of my eye i saw like a wave of snow coming down the hill and it was about 5 feet from the tail of the sled. I got both feet on the left side of the running boards and pined it and watching were i was going and looking over my left shoulder thinking that was f***ing close. The the other 4 people that were on the trail ,thank god they had there sleds running also were in the way of the slide they got out to a save location. We all talked about and then played is some safe locations the rest of the day, here are some pics from today of the av and having fun, be safe and i did learn a leason.