I don't understand why you guys seem to want to hang the unions. This is not a union problem. It is a CEO problem. The unions have a responsibility to protect the workers. $70.00 bucks an hour for wages and benefits is not greedy if the CEO's get to make $5,770.00 an hour.
If we fixed the CEO greed we may not have a union problem. What has to be decided is how much should a CEO be able to make (if any) up and above what they pay the workers? The fact is you could can 90% of all GM management not re-hire and the company would roll on without a hitch. If you canned 10% of the workers the company would fail if you did not re-hire.
CEO greed is bankrupting companies right and left. I have a hard time blaming a union that wants it's workers to make 1.2% of what it's CEO's make.
I have been the CEO of a small company for 20 years. My compensation and benefits have never, nor will they ever exceed my lowest paid employee by more then 30%. Many times the board has voted to increase my compensation. I only let this happen if every employee can get the same increase. Last year I had two W2 employees who made more money than I did. I let this happen because the truth is I only work about 1/3 as much as they do. They earned it. I'm not trying to toot my own horn, I just believe this is honest and fair. If every company were to do the same it would level the playing field for all Americans and we would not be facing the problems we face today.
You are correct on one part; The CEO's are being paid way to much to run these companies into the ground. Would their salary be to high if they brought in 63 billion in profits last quarter? I believe strongly in "you get what you pay for." If I wanted somone to run a multi-billion dollar company, I had better be prepared to pay him more than $70/hour in wages and benefits! Kudos to you for putting the employees and the company first, that is a very good way to run a successful company for many years...I wish more were like you!
The part where I think you are wrong is in thinking that an enormous CEO salary can break these large, multi-billion dollar companies. One person making a couple million to much each year doesn't hold a candle to tens of thousands of employees sucking the company dry in wages and benefits. Kinda like a lot of small snowflakes adding up to bottomless powder! ;D
I work for a company in which all employee contracts are bargained by the union. In my short time here I have seen the union act in ways that benefit THE UNION first and foremost. They only protect their paying members when they can direcly benefit from it!