Nope. After the last ride a couple weeks ago, it was set to medium and on the green unlock/lock option. Rode all day Friday with the gauge showing green unlock, assuming the shocks were still set on medium. My dumbass rode all day Friday with those stupid things set to hard and I was flat beat at the end of the day....LOL!!!! Saturday morning, I finally realized the shocks were set on hard. After fighting the switch, I finally got the shocks set to medium and then I locked the ATTAC out to the white mode. For a good part of the day, the screen showed medium in white, lower corner and at startup. Later that afternoon I felt the shocks where stiff again, looked at the screen and there was no ATTAC display in the lower corner, nothing no green or white. Turned the sled off and started it back up, no ATTAC display at all, not the typical start up display or the display in the lower corner and the shocks were all locked in hard again. I fought the switch again and finally got it in medium and left it on green, so I could visibly see medium in green in the lower corner and on startup. Stayed there for the last hour of the day on Saturday and all day yesterday. Just for an FYI, my driver 1 and 2 are both set at medium for all three shocks. I have no idea how they were switched to hard, especially when I had the ATTAC system locked out in white mode. My system also seems to really get stuck in the unlock/lock green mode. I have a hell of a time getting it out of that option. I'm sure it's a lot of user error but something still seems off with the whole setup. Also, like I mentioned above the button seems to work better when the sled is moving. If I'm sitting at an idol I can't get it to work right, weird!!!!