Somewhere between too dumb to quit and flat earth
i purchased my assualt in december. It has about 1000 miles. I am 230 pounds. After alot of cornace drops and a 50-80 foot jump i built in the back country, it now has 2 bent runnign bords, one bord is shered off where it mounts to the body. The cast aluminum mount snaped. Also, the coolant resivoir is broken where it mounts to the chassis. The sled has went through 2 belts and now the pull rope isn't pulling back into the case like it should. The oil light also comes on ALL the time.
Thease are all problems i shouldn't be having on this sled. It all kinda just happened in the last month. My dealer is working wiht polaris, but i never had thease issues on my 900 or my 800 dragon. Let alon all the mod sleds i have built. My dragon running boards did bow slightly but.... DAMN. The worst part is that i havent even went crazy big on this sled like i did last year on my 09 dragon. I don't understand. This sled is the "Assault". It shows it droping cliffs and airing out in the promo vids?
I love the sled, it is the best sled i have ever had. It just plain gets the job done... but WTF? Im sorry if i am bitching but this **** aint cheep and i payed alot of money for this sled and i am all of the sudden not happy with it. Is anyone else experincing thease problems? On a side note, my sled has only cut out on my 3 or 4 times and that was when it was in the first 50 miles. I also don't have the oil line bubble problem.
Thease are all problems i shouldn't be having on this sled. It all kinda just happened in the last month. My dealer is working wiht polaris, but i never had thease issues on my 900 or my 800 dragon. Let alon all the mod sleds i have built. My dragon running boards did bow slightly but.... DAMN. The worst part is that i havent even went crazy big on this sled like i did last year on my 09 dragon. I don't understand. This sled is the "Assault". It shows it droping cliffs and airing out in the promo vids?
I love the sled, it is the best sled i have ever had. It just plain gets the job done... but WTF? Im sorry if i am bitching but this **** aint cheep and i payed alot of money for this sled and i am all of the sudden not happy with it. Is anyone else experincing thease problems? On a side note, my sled has only cut out on my 3 or 4 times and that was when it was in the first 50 miles. I also don't have the oil line bubble problem.