I have to go on a rant here, I have a theory as to why our medical bills and health insurance premiums are so expensive and I'm just wondering if I'm the only one that feels this way. I think we are raising a nation of pansies that run to the doctor for the most asanine of reasons. Case in point, my hypocondriac ex-wife that runs our kid to the doctor everytime he farts a little outta tune!! Most of the time, it turns out to be something that the doctor really can't do anything about, and could have been treated with traditional home remadies. So, now we have just spent a pile of $$$ for no reason and so has the insurance company. I think there are a lot more people out there like this as well, male and female. Me on the other hand, I won't go to the hospital unless I am dying, and probably someday will die because I didn't go in soon enough, but that's another topic.
What's your thoughts.
its not even that, its more the fact that people go "Welp, I hit the ceiling for my payments out of pocket now insurance covers it I better go see the chiropractor because I haven't had a backrub in awhile, then I should go to the dermatologist to see if they can help me with my acne" and they try to get out more than they put in. Little do they realize every year that happens they just raise the rates more.