i was in snowies last weekend and got stuck on hill in the woods. if it wasnt for tree, i wouldnt got stuck lol
you can see the ski hooked up with tree
and nope im not that mad and my friends laughed at me for this lol
Best is the guy that you know is having a bad day and can usually ride great but gets stuck a few times and IN A ROW. ie, just pulled him out for the 3rd time and he takes off and buries it again in 30'! Usually you hear. WTF GAWD DAMMMMM IT, MFAWKER
Then they get worse when you and all your buddies are LOL. Ahhhhhhh the good ole days.
If you're not getting stuck, you're not riding!lol With that said, I get mad when I get stuck way up there, usually in the rocks, trees, and on a real steep slope, and I know I'll be spending the next hour or two trying to get myself out. I'm up there asking myself....WHAT THE F@#$$K was I thinking! LOL
as far as the thunderstruck sticker, my brother bought the sled from dave schell who is a thunderstruck rider and he specifically asked my brother not to take anything off or break the windshield
as far as fat kids..... You got a problem with them??? you dont have to azzes to all of us....
he is standing in the hole that his track was in before he lifted the rear end out... he is about 6 one...
I think i can take him not! i just love his facial expression!!!
like some have mentioned i think its part of riding and some places you just never know if you can make it or not until you get stuck, then you know. i usually dont get mad unless its one of them times where its one after another or in a real stupid spot like on the flats or something. my brother however tends to get all sorts of pissy when stucks happen, even if its not him that gets stuck. that has led to some exchanged words on the hill a few times.