Yes, there is a difference with the low compression head. I rode Yamyboy's sled when he had the low comp head on it and it kinda sucked in the low end. But, this was high elevation I'm talking about. I'm sure the problem wouldn't be quite as bad at sea level.
As far as max boost on C16, ya I'd bet you could do 12-15 for race days. Obviously, this would be experimental though. I'd bet at that kind of power level you are starting to push the limits of engine components though. 15psi at sealevel is what 20-21psi at high elevation. Not may people are doing that on 2 strokes.
A cool running motor or cool head certainly can't hurt the DET problem.
I know some of the race guys are pushing 14-16lbs on the Crossfire 1200 turbos. That level is putting those engines in the 400hp area. I am not looking for that. 12-13lbs max I would be comfy on a nice cool engine, and the right fuel tune.
Anybody using head studs like we do on the 4 strokes? Is there any problems with blowing O-rings out or lifting the head under mid to high boost levels?
And I might be looking into it a bit much, just want to cover all angles before I build this sled.....The oil Ratio, once your on boost your dumping more fuel into the engine, has anyone seen that it washes some oil(lowers oil ratio) to any point that causes some harm???
I am new to 2 stroke turbos, but have years messing with 4 stroke turbo set ups. Just looking to build a turbo 2 stroke that is reliable as the 4 stroke set ups I have ran. From the looks of some they can be, considering you mountain guys run WOT for 20-30-40 seconds straight, where us flat land guys are lucky to get a 10-11 WOT second run.