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Anybody know anything about Endicott?

I just took a job there...wondering what to expect. I know its on the non-union side of bp, just wondering what other info you guys have.



what...........................joe got a job.....................what......................are you kidding me:eek:

been up at point mac/west dock for a week headed home tomorrow........................what do i know............................nothin
what...........................joe got a job.....................what......................are you kidding me:eek:

That was what the school was for :) Im just glad its finally over. The hiring process was a little slower this year due to some process changes and economic reasons, otherwise I would be working by now. But hey, at least I'll have gas money this year, and you won't hear me complaining about not having any cash.

Thanks ICR, I know the jobs are getting scarce for a bunch right now.

I found out a bit more about Endicott. It seems they are getting a new drill rig next month at the satellite field to do some ultra long, extended reach horizontal drilling. Up to 8 miles horizontal and 2 miles deep to reach the Liberty oil reservoir and start producing it. It sounds like there is a bunch of new technology and work up there for me, so I am glad I will be busy!
Welcome to the oil patch:beer;

Endicott is one of the less desirable BP facilities to work at. North Star is the newest and most desirable BP site (i guess), but N-Star is a man made island that operates like a platform.

PM me if you have any random questions, I pretty much know most folks who work for BP as my employers equipment is at every BP site except Endicott.

What is you job title? Understand the retarded operators are the Master Race.

oh damn, guess im a jackace:face-icon-small-blu....its a love/hate thing between everyone and operations, you will soon find out:cool:

i take it you dont really know what your in for huh?...picture this, adjusting your chair to get a better butt scratch angle will be the highlight of your day:beer;.....but operators never get fired and are truly the "Master Race"
Thanks Caleb...

Ray, you haven't changed too much since your move down to UT :)

I had an operator internship last summer up at Flow Station 1. I had an awesome time and learned a ton. I didn't really get into the politics of the job as I just concentrated on working and making a good impression ( I think I fooled em good ..he he he). I heard a few stories that some of the operators up there can be not-so-friendly, but I didn't meet any of them at Flow 1. Everyone was super nice and more than willing to help a noob out. I even rode with a couple of them this past winter. I usually get along with most people I work with anyways. Im pretty sure I know what to expect as an operator. I split my shifts last summer on drill sites and in the facility and got to be part of their big shutdown. Im pretty sure I know what Im in for...and I think I will have a good time learning all the in's and out's of the facility.

I think ol Ray is really just jealous he isn't an operator :):):)
C-Bolt, I've worked up here (slope) for over 10 years and Endicott is a dream to work at. Good food, nice camp, cool people and you will see polar bears on your pad. Everything I have heard from the people there is all good (but hush hush). If everyone knew it was nice, then everyone would want to work there. Good luck, congrats, and work hard, you'll do fine.
MPI, SDI, or Production?

If you are going to be on the SDI or "Field" operations you might be seeing a bit of me. I'm the ACT "External Layout Technician" and bounce around from MPU, Endicott, N*, and BAD.

All-in-all, Endicott has the best rooms. BAD has the best food. MPU has the best people. N* is... well... N* is just there. Don't much care for working out on Northstar, we get treated like trespassers sometimes with the only question being "When are you leaving?"

BTW, hope you enjoy filling out permits. Just caught wind this morning at the end of shift about the new Control of Work procedures coming down the pipe :eek:
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Nice, I guess I'll get plenty of practice filling them out, eh? I know they are going to be super busy, and I'm sure a new procedure doesn't make it easier. At least I'll only learn the new way, so I wont be able to complain about the old way. :)

I am not sure what position I will be going to, but when I find out Ill let you know.

Thanks for the info...

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