I got this forwarded to me from another site.
Good reply.
We're all giving our emotional opinion, but they've obviously done the research, with the numbers and statistics to back up their position. Unless we are willing to do the same, they will always win the debate. Below are some examples I've come up with. Please feel free to ad you own:
1. The average hiker travels at a sustained pace of 3 mph. The average thrillcraft is capabile of well over 60mph. Given this 20:1 ratio, and so all citizens can share equally in the enjoyment of our public lands, for every 10 acres reserved for hiking, 200 should be reserved for Thrillcraft riders.
2. No Thrillcraft has ever be used in a Terrorist attack against the U.S. However, every Terrorist has walked or hiked at some point during the execution of their attack. In order to protect our National Parks and public lands, all hikers are potential Terrorist and should be barred from public lands.
3. In a recent survey, 87% of hikers said they carried Trail mix or Granola while hiking, with primary ingredients of nuts, grains and berrys. These same ingredients can be used in the manufacture of bio-fuels , decreasing our dependence on foreign oil to power our Thrillcraft.
4. It is a scientific fact that a diet high is nuts, grains and berries causes excessive
flatulance in humans. Besides an offensive odor to those around you, these emission contain methane and other gasses harmful to the ozone layer. A more detailed scientific study is required to determine how much harm these hikers have already done to our planet.
5. During a recent survey of hikers in the Northwest, 50% responded that walking around in the woods all day really blows. They're not really hiking. They're searching for D.B. Cooper's money, which they will use to buy a thrillcraft. Upon hearing the story of D.B. Cooper, the other hiker changed his answer, making it 100% of the hikers surveyed agree that it really blows and they would rather ride a Thrillcraft.
6. Soil errosion is a major problem on public lands, and left unabated, will continue. The Grand Canyon is a prime example of a hikers idea of watershead management. Thrillcraft riders abhor nature and seek the highest mound or hill to assert their dominance on. The ruts left by the Thrillcraft provide deverse and alternate watershead paths, preventing our great nation from becoming "the Grand Canyons"!
I will not stand by and watch our National Parks become a bunch of fart smelling, burned up canyons full of Terrorist!...Damm it!