This thread is pretty much pointless. Wait, smoking something that contains tars can increase my risk of contracting cancer? No way! Oh my gosh! I just found out that foods that are high in fats and cholesterol can lead to heart disease too! And apparently, (did you guys know this?!) driving a car actually increases the risk of being in motor vehicle accidents!! Wow, man, that is some seriously crazy sh*t. I would never have figured ANY of that! You should be a dectective.
As far as the statement regarding "supporters" saying that smoking pot is "harmless", I'm not sure that anyone with any basic level of intelligence is going to say that smoking marijuana is totally harmless. I think what most people who choose to indulge in marijuana usage would say is that they are willing to weigh the risks against the benefits, and make their choices accordingly.
Now, if you'll excuse me, I need to get back to smoking my bong and feeling my n*ts.