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Am I an Idiot!

Dec 23, 2015
Hello all!
So I am sooo green to snowmobiling it might sicken some of you. Basically I bought mountain sleds and just...started getting stuck and also riding a little bit in between that.
I aman avid outdoorsman and all summer I spent scounting pitchs and bowls deep in the BLM and NF. I just assumed that snowmobilers would use this terrain in winter as I had accessed it via UTV by summer. This does not appear to be the case as we never see tracks or hear other sleds.
My question is simple.. Is the use of this terrain stupid, idiotic, illegal? Is there something I am missing? Or are these places just too remote to be popular. Lastly, is veryunsafe to snowmobile in areas like this. We are both expericed backcountry snowboarders but...I did hear of a $6000 fine for motorized vehicles in wilderness areas so we stear clear of those.

Thanx all and merry Christmas


Well-known member
Premium Member
Jun 23, 2011
NW Montana
Sounds like you found a sweet secret stash! I too purchased mountain sleds years ago for backcountry ski/boarding and was stuck stuck stuck. Without some riding skills you are asking for trouble by getting into quality terrain, get DVD's and find a skilled rider to teach you how to sidehill, carve, climb, descend and other maneuvers that keep you in control and having fun. It will make the sport so much fun so much quicker and cost way less due to not wrecking your sled. The Schooled 1-4 DVD's were good for some of the progression lessons. I have put my wife in a couple of riding clinics and it made her more confident, her skills and ability to ride SAFELY in the mountains have grown so much. She is now really enjoying the sport, previously she did not as it is very frightening to not have control or skills in the mountains off trail.
Good luck and learn all you can for so much fun!!!


Well-known member
Lifetime Membership
Mar 4, 2008
Northern MN.
Join your local snowmobile club. You will get a ton of information there. Get involved. You will be glad you did. And no, you are not an idiot. An idiot would not ask questions. :face-icon-small-win


Well-known member
Lifetime Membership
Oct 16, 2004
southern oregon
If your not in a wilderness area then you shouldn't be out of bounds, need to know where you are riding at to know for sure. I live for the untracked, everyone says they want to be a mountain rider until you spend a day in the trees far from any roads, this is where you find out who can cut it and who is full of sh!t;) Nice when you can get 3-4 guys together who can ride, there's just nothing better...
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