I think the term flatlander is used in a derogatory way, but it shouldn't be. So what if I live in Colorado and have mtn opportunities where others don't. If we need to be labelled I think we should be labelled by where we do most of our riding. If sledders from the midwest do most of their sledding each year coming out to the mountains, I'd call them mountain riders. I grew up riding snowmobiles in NW Iowa and have years of ditchbanging under my belt! Loved it! But now I live in CO and love mountain riding even better! And some people just seem to learn the mechanics of a motorsport faster than others. Some could just get on a sled and do on the mountains what others would take a copule years to do. And they could still be flatlanders. Who cares? When I go out and see people from other states I like to meet them. And don't think they ruin our sport by their bad parking, driving, etc. because we have enough of our own idiots that live here!