Yes there is a difference so please specify when ordering. Without letting too much out of the bag, here is a little of what we did. With these arms i chose to limit the amount of loss in shock travel and hit a happy medium between that and ride height. The noticable difference in a shorter shock or ride height for boondocking is minimal, (which is the full intention of the 36'') but for the guys jumping , pounding the trail to get from A-B would it would be a big deal. notice. There will always be tradeoffs in one or more areas when you shorten a stance, so like anything else its all rider preference. A shorter shock in all intents and purpose for a narrower stance will be a better choice, but by no means a "MUST, just an option". Its always great to not have to unless its where your going with things to not have to spend more than some guys can afford, and that was just one goal for us with these. Thanks for the question, it give me a chance to voice a little more about them. Thanks! Dan Oh, MH, lol i really hope everybody knew that was just my weird sense of humor on the scale thing. I know i shouldnt do that but...cant help it..sorry.