I know; not PowderMiner again …
Just to point out that there are very valid points made from all (Snowest) opinions.
I just want to remind Snowmobilers and those that consider themselves snow users…
Snowmobiles are despised, harshly criticized, and actionably opposed not only in the wilderness. The people that oppose snowmobiles, people who ride them, manufacturers, and any inkling of support are fundamentally against the manufacture, purchase, storage, transport, unloading, private or public land use, competition, and anyone who’d dream of supporting the existence of such machines.
The few people in a few areas are breaking a law, and there are those who are obligated to show dissatisfaction with the actions; but that is not the major threat to our or our children’s opportunities to continue riding into the future.
I still believe that organizational support and outreach is the best chance we have to sustain our sport. We have little chance to gain areas, but there are some ideas that can be passed on to the access managers with valid reasoning to at least keep the backpressure on… This includes some suggestions like limited alpine access, additional or multiple designated access spaces, additional signage with alternative mapping, ect…
And please remember that this forum is still available to anyone, they might only get to see the first page, once registered (and not paid), but even the snowmobile opponents can do a simple Google search for snowmobile forums and make all kinds of accusations or whatever.
Also some ones real name can be Googled and associated with their posts and possibly, depending on your life and ambitions, a serious threat to such. If you post a name the person that’s name is posted can request the post be deleted. Not to mention the damage to Snowest membership and participation.
I know several of the posters on these subjects, with varied opinions, and just want everyone know that most of you are great guys who’d get along great and enjoy the experience riding and enjoying the outdoors together.
So lets remember that, at least the fellow sledders have a deep common bond that should be honored even if you disagree. State your criticism but try not to personally attack each other, might lose a chance at a good riding buddy.
These thoughts are just my humble opinion, and I do respect yours.