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alaska colleges?

Nov 27, 2008
Iam trying to figure out where to go to college.. I was thinking about alaska, what college would be the best? I want to be able to snowmobile, so i want a college that is near a lot of snow


Active member
Jan 9, 2008
UAA is a decent enough school it's just kind of set-up for people who are going back to school, but their working to change that. Can't beat Anchorage for riding though, and the money you can save at UAA will buy some fuel! UAF is a good school with a more traditional campus but it's in Fairbanks, hind tit of the world. It's beautiful in a different kind of way, but probably colder than you can imagine, -30 for 30 days in a row. And I don't believe that the riding is as good, the mountains are father away, but maybe you're a flatlander and that's cool with you!? Here's is a link to some web cams here in Anchorage: http://www.borealisbroadband.net/Vid-DTN1.htm. I'm sure you can find some of Fairbanks too, there are schools in Juneau and Sitka too.
Nov 28, 2007
Anchorage, AK
UAF in Fairbanks was voted by Playboy magazine to have one of the most unattractive female campuses, and it's colder than ice.

I went to UAA and it is more of a community college than a campus. No social life unless you live on campus, even then it is limited. Wish I would have gone to school outside for at least one year for the experience, but saved alot of dough staying here.

You can't beat the snowmobiling though. :beer;
Dec 4, 2007
I tried going to UAA, it is not like a real college at all. I liked the riding, but on the good ol' college budget + finding people to ride with + having to work on a lot of the "good days" it definitely wasn't worth it. I transfered down to UNR (Nevada, Reno) and now I'm 20 minutes from tahoe, and the temps seem 100 times warmer and there is plenty of snow/women/beaches/college life/football/basketball etc etc.. I usually snowboard 4-5 days a week and just borrow sleds from people when I can.

UAA has certain degrees you may want though like arctic engineering, although their engineering school isn't certified yet..
It's a good biology school I believe
Nov 26, 2007
Eagle River AK
I went to school at UAF for about four years plus. Its a great school and Fairbanks has a small town feel to it. Just the winters suck. Its cold and you have to go a ways for the good snow. Summers are excellent though. Nice weather and there is plenty of stuff to do. Socially its better to live on campus since its hard to get out when its below zero. The girls arent too bad, but it is Alaska remember. UAA is central to everything and has a big city around it if thats what you like. I dont think the school is as good, but thats always debateable. UAS would be a good choice but its remote, as in you can only fly ior boat in and out. At least we are connected to the road system here.
Nov 26, 2007
Anchorage, Ak
If I were you I'd look into somewhere in Colorado, Idaho, Washington or Wyoming where you will find a decent campus social life, sports teams, and an abundance of fine females. :beer;:) . The riding is great up here, but you be hard pressed to find any of the above mentioned items in Alaska!

ak ryda

Well-known member
Nov 26, 2007
I tried going to UAA, it is not like a real college at all. I liked the riding, but on the good ol' college budget + finding people to ride with + having to work on a lot of the "good days" it definitely wasn't worth it. I transfered down to UNR (Nevada, Reno) and now I'm 20 minutes from tahoe, and the temps seem 100 times warmer and there is plenty of snow/women/beaches/college life/football/basketball etc etc.. I usually snowboard 4-5 days a week and just borrow sleds from people when I can.

UAA has certain degrees you may want though like arctic engineering, although their engineering school isn't certified yet..
It's a good biology school I believe

The UAA school of engineering is ABET acreditted in civil engineering, I am not sure what you mean by not being certified. UAF is ABET acreditted in a bunch of different engineering disciplines and is one of the best engineering schools you can go to, if you can stand living in one of the coldest and most desolate places on earth with no women.

For a true college experience I would look into anywhere in the northwest, Alaska is incredible but there are better options for what you are looking for.


Nov 21, 2007
I attended UAF for four years, it is a great educational school in the math, sciences and especially engineering courses. However, its cold as sh!t for way to long, the majority of women are horrible, and its in the middle of nowhere! If i could do it again i would go to uaa if i was looking at the best places to ride and get an education, plus the social life is 100 x's better and much more to doin town. Good luck with your decision and have fun wherever you choose.


Active member
Nov 27, 2007
Fairbanks, AK

Excellent Engineering program. Period. As for the female population, yes it is scarce, but you just have to pick the right time of year to be looking (ie. don't expect to find girls walking around in bikinis in January) Winters are cold as he!! (But not -30 F for a month straight, but yes we do get cold snaps down to -50) and the riding is 3 hours away. Summers are sunny and hot, plenty to keep you busy.

Never gone there as I attend UAF for Mech Eng. but from what I gather and as others have said UAA is not structured like a normal campus. Most people I talk with say that you go to UAA to get a nursing degree, that's it. But the flip side is it doesn't get that cold and riding is a stones throw.
Dec 4, 2007
Maybe UAA is certified in like one thing, but I know it's not in most engineering diciplines. I attended it and it's really nothign like how a "real" college is. If you can get in the WUE program there is plenty of riding around all the idaho universitiess and montana universities

Winter Project

Well-known member
Dec 3, 2007
Anchorage / Gwood
HYFLYR wouldn't know what to do with a chick in a bikini if there were any in fairbanks anyways. Plus he is on a basketball team with Buddy Bailey.

I wouldn't go to UAA if i was between the age of 18-23. I would go to reno or a another party school... lol. This is probably why I'm on the van wilder plan, and currently enrolled at UAA, i went to school in the states and majored in hot chicks and other really cool ****!

Bottom line... UAA is great for someone on a budget. Don't expect parties like ASU or UC Santa Barbara.... There are girls, few and far between if your looking for hot chicks, but there are chicks nonetheless. We have the most expensive gas in the nation, even tho our state is the leading producer of all the states. You can find a room to rent from between $450-800, or a 2 bedroom apartment for 950(ghetto)-1400(nice). As far as riding, depending on the snow there are easily 5 world class locations within an hour or two driving distance. Our economy is still good for the most part.

I wouldn't go to UAF if someone paid me.

Good luck.

pura vida

Well-known member
Nov 26, 2007
uaa pretty much sucks. i would go someplace other than alaska for college. too many good options in the northwest. i went to a smaller school in colorado springs, co for 5 years and thought that was pretty bad until i was out for a few years, then went to uaa for 4 semesters. wow, does uaa suck. horrible school. supposedly there are a few decent programs, nothing engineering related, so i guess it depends on what you want to do.



Well-known member
Dec 1, 2007
The best thing to do is to go to a school in the lower 48 such as Montana State in Bozeman.(Go Cats:D) Do that for a semester or 2 then apply for the undergraduate exchange program to go to school in AK for a semester or a year. The exchange gives you a chance to experience another college campus. Pretty easy to get into as long as you keep the gpa above a 2.5 you're golden.


Well-known member
Lifetime Membership
Dec 1, 2008
Is there a degree in your future?????????????

uaa pretty much sucks. i would go someplace other than alaska for college. too many good options in the northwest. i went to a smaller school in colorado springs, co for 5 years and thought that was pretty bad until i was out for a few years, then went to uaa for 4 semesters. wow, does uaa suck. horrible school. supposedly there are a few decent programs, nothing engineering related, so i guess it depends on what you want to do.


7 years of college, that in itself would suck!!:eek:
Jan 26, 2002
There are a few good looking gals at UAA, but I feel so perverted looking at them because im about 10 years older than them. I get over it pretty quickly though...

The ugly ones make the decent ones look good. The phrase "Alaska Hot" is extremely relevant in this case.

But, there are definitely a few future nurses that will make a crappy hospital stay a little better someday. ha ha ha
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